Sunday, 3 June 2018

Truth about Genetically Modified Food

Bio-Lit: Are GMOs Good or Bad?
What are GMOs?

GMO,  a  genetically modified organism is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The article mainly focused on GM crops.

Image result for gmo pictures

The majority of the research about GMO crops suggests that they are safe to eat and they have potential/chance to feed millions of people around the world.

Much of the world has been busy banning, restricting and trying to avoid GM foods. Almost all the corns and soybeans grown in America are genetically modified, but only two GM crops, Monsanto's maize, and BASF's Amflora potato are accepted in the European Union.

Approval of a few GM corn strains has been proposed, but so far it has been rpeatedly and soundly voted down.

Positive or Benefits About GMOs
• From David Zilberman, a U.C. Berkeley agricultural and environmental economist and one of the few researchers considered credible by agricultural chemical companies and critics.
He said that the benefits of GMO crops can cancel out health risks, but it remains theoretical.

• The use of GM crops has lowered the price of food and it increased farmer safety by allowing them to use less pesticide on the crops.

• It has raised the output of soy, cotton and, corn by 20-30 % allowing people or consumers to survive who would not have without it because if around the world lessen it, the price of the food would go lower and fewer people would die of hunger.

Negative or Issues About GMOs
• People have been worried about the safety of GMO foods since scientist at the University of Washington developed the first GM tobacco plants in the 1970s and in mid-1990s, the first GM crops reached the market. A number of celebrity chefs are against them. consumers in Europe became alarmed.

• The European attitude resonates across the world, influencing policy where GM crops in countries that have a plenty of benefits. Zilberman says. "They look to Europe and see countries there rejecting GM, so they don't use it." GM efforts should be shut down until the technology is proved absolutely safe.

• Long-term health effects can be subtle and nearly impossible to link to specific changes in the environment. Scientists have believed that Alzheimer's disease and many cancers have environmental components, and it has a chance that you could get diseases from the GM crops.

Credit: Jen Christiansen


Zilberman says, in the future, those advantages will become all more significant. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that the world will have to grow 70-80 % more food by 2050 just to keep up with the population growth.

GM crops could be better for us if they are starting to produce higher yields, grow in the dry land, withstand high and low temperatures, and protect the crops from diseases and insects.

With governments and consumers increasingly coming down against GM crops altogether, testing may compromise that enables the people to benefit from the GM crops advantages.


In my opinion, this article is reliable because the author, David H. Freedman has been covering science, technology, and business for more than 30 years. He explores the forces that cause scientists and other experts mislead us. All the resources were well researched and mostly about science. 

Works Cited
Freedman, David H., The Truth about Genetically Modified Food, Scientific American, Sept. 01,2013

Friday, 1 June 2018

Bio-Lit: Are GMO's good or bad?


What are GMO's?

GMO,  a  genetically modified organism is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The article mainly focused on GM crops.

Image result for gmo pictures

Negative or Issues about GMOs

Pesticide use in farming is high. 
Large, Agriculture Business companies are taking most of the profit. The farmers should be the ones who take most of the profit since they are the ones doing most of the work and farmers are really willing to spend money to pay companies for their products.

People will still experience issues with resistance.
A common problem with GMOs is that the insects have the potential to be resistant to herbicides. All the farmers that insects and diseases are always changing, us people must keep up with them.

Pesticide Usage is required to No-Till Farm.
No-till farmers spray weeds at 10 mph with a 120 ft sprayer can cover a field six times. This type of spraying, watering plants is easier than tilling the soil 3-4 times prior to planting and cultivating between the row after planting because this is slow and has to be done multiple times.

Positive or Benefits about GMOs

Farmers use technology to better protect the environment.
Farmers used to till up the fields, plant their crops, cultivate in between the rows while the crop was growing, harvest the crop, and till the field again. That was inconvenient and unsustainable. Farmers made an idea that they should progress to better methods of raising crops. All of the new ideas shaped what is now know as "conservational farming", a form of environment-friendly farming that is practiced widely across America.

Farmers us GM technology to reduce costly inputs like pesticides.
GMO technology can actually help reduce the amount of pesticides. Monitors in sprayers can be calibrated to spray specific amounts of chemical/fertilizer in each part of the field.

Farmers use technology to increase yield potential.
GMOs allows the plant to reach the full yield potential hybrids and breeding have given it. The traits that are currently being used for GM crops are traits that resist chemicals and/or resist insects. This is an element for increased food production.

One side of this picture is GM soybeans, the other side is non-GM. Can you tell the difference? (Picture from Missouri farmer Austin Lawrence)
One side of this picture is GM soybeans, the other side is non-GM. Can you tell the difference?  (Photo from Missouri farmer Austin Lawrence)


It's time to find a real problem to fight against. People today take so much granted and complain about things we have. The article states no matter what type is doing the farmers the best they can, and people like us should be making the decisions we feel are the right ones, not only for us, but also for the environment and the consumers. It is possible that someday we will find a better alternative of GMOs, because it affects what we eat and our family. The benefits outweigh the possible risks.

Image result for gmo pictures


In my opinion, this website/article is reliable because the author of this post always posts about issues and good things for our environment. All the resources was well researched and mostly about science news.

Article used:
The Peterson Farm Blog,