Monday, 2 October 2017

Bio-Lit : Assessing the effects of human-caused activities on marine mammals

The rising levels of noise in the ocean that concerns for the well-being of marine mammals and may harm them such as pollution, climate change, and decreased prey.

According to the Marine Science, there are several facts human activities that affect the ocean such as overfishing, pollution, carbon emissions, organic waste, some chemicals released into the ocean and noise pollution is one of the most recent threats to marine life.

The previous Academies reports that the impact of the sound from the marine mammals, they report and research that marine mammals are experiencing stress. The other research communities are exploring the increasing effects of human activities on marine mammals.

According to the report that they have found three main challenges on this issue: understanding the interaction between different stress-causing agents called as stressors, designing studies to understand better the response to more than one to another stressor and the difficulty in detecting impacts at the population level in the ocean.

Their experiment is useful in defining the relationship between the exposure level and the behaviour response to one of the stressors. "Current scientific theory and data for individual marine mammals or their population is not enough to predict the total risk from a combination of threats," said Peter L. Tyack, professor of marine mammal biology at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland and the chair of the committee that conducted the study and wrote the report. 

As he added, "The model we developed in this report provides a way to examine the effects associated with the exposure to a single stressor in the context of the cumulative effect of other stressors in the animal's environment" 

Credit: NOAA

Although the impacts of the stressors such as persistent chemical pollutants or ocean climate cannot be easily reduced the noise, shipping routes or fisheries so that they can manage to reduce the impact. To be able to decide what's best to reduce the effects of activities that threaten the mammals. For researchers need to develop methods to change in a combination of the stressors to bring the population to have a healthy resilient state.

Photograph by: Enrique R. Aguirre Aves, Oxford Scientific/Getty Images

The committee also recommended using a framework that assesses the health of individual mammals impacted by an activity and using changes in health to determine how it could eventually affect populations.  

In conclusion, the report recommends to build some affordable systems that can detect changes in population in the ocean such as their sizes, rates and to indicate when populations may be at risk due to the exposure of the stressors and try to help the ocean to have a healthy and peaceful state.

Works Cited:
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. "Assessing the effects of human-caused activities on marine mammals." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 October 2016. <>.

Marine Science, "Humans Impact on the Oceans". 19 August 2006.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Vrai ou Faux?

Blog Post #6

Fake news originated in traditional news media but has now spread to online media. This type of news can found everywhere, like the traditional news, social media, or fake news websites.

Claire Wardle of First Draft News identifies types of fake news:
• Satire or parody
• False connection
• False content
• Imposter content
• Manipulated content
• Misleading content

When I took the quiz from the article of Globe and Mail about fake news, I got 7 right and I got 3 mistakes. For me, I did good even though I missed a few. I've learned many things how to spot fake news. I really have to be more careful when it comes with the news, because I might think that the information they're trying to give us is not even real. 

I've learned how to spot a fake news by if it's a Twitter account, it has to be a verified account and if it's a webpage, I have to look if the URL, the main page and "about" page look credible. I have to check for the date and the author. We have to be more careful when reading news.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Blog Post #5

Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication. The internet includes educational, governmental,  and other networks. Internet is useful for students when it comes with searching up things and students get help for their assignments online.

I think students and teachers should be allowed to access sites and services because it is helpful for us, students can learn from the sites if they need help for their work.

If our school board blocked services like Snapchat or Instagram, I think that the students are going to be more productive for doing work. But at the same time, there's a problem when it comes with the group works, some students are using social media sites like Instagram. Some students are communicating through DM (Direct Message) and do their work there. 

The comments in the article are actually true, that students should pay more attention in class because Instagram, Snapchat and Netflix are not even that helpful to students and it is a distraction for us. There's no educational value could Snapchat, Instagram and Netflix possibly have. Students are supposed to listen to our teachers and learn, not to communicate with your friends in social media sites during class.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Twitter Wars - How Far is Too Far?

Blog Post #4 

Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages which is "tweets" restricted to 140 characters. Twitter is the place to find out about what's happening in the world right now. 

After reading the article about the tweets between the Toronto woman and man getting into a battle, it was unbelievable. Honestly, like I didn't know that there are people that having personal arguments in social media. The wrong thing about it, is they were having arguments in front of the people and all of the people who are using twitter.

Guthrie and Elliot were both wrong. First, because Elliot kept on tweeting about Guthrie even though he knew that Guthrie blocked him.  Second, Guthrie called Elliot a narcissist, a waste of carbon and a serial Twitter harasser. So basically, it was all about revenge.

I think people just have to be more careful about what they are posting, like if you know that you'll hurt someone's feeling or if you know that you might affect someone, you should not post or tweet about it because people around you can judge you and of course, you don't want to get some "haters" or enemy in social media. 

You should think twice before shaming anyone in social media because you don't know how sensitive people are, and they might put it in court and punish you. But I think if the posts are getting too personal, it might lead you to the court and get punished by the law. 

                                                             Think before you click!

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Hey! Don't Meme Me!

Blog Post #3 

In my opinion, he doesn't have to sue the media. It was his choice to have that kind of hair, and of course,  it is an unusual look for people so that they would actually take a picture of it and do it as a meme. 

For me, memes are not that bad. He doesn't have to take it personally and we all know that it's just a hair and it will grow and change anyway, and there are memes that are worse than that, there are some offensive memes and if I was in his position I would feel sad and awkward  because they used my face to make a meme.

But there is a point that he can sue. If it actually affects his own self-esteem and can't take it anymore. All of us have different feelings, it might not affect you and it might affect you. 

My advice is just let it be, move on and don't waste your time paying attention with those people who make fun of your image. Just be happy and be you

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Kids and Video Games

Blog Post #2 

Video games are among teens and children, there are more than 80% of ages 7 to 18 of Canadians who plays regularly. Young children who have difficulty distinguishing from reality to fantasy which makes them vulnerable to the effects of video games' violence.

I mean my opinion is, playing video games some of the time can be okay. Just choose the quality–– which includes TV, tablet, iPod and video games –– to no more 2 hours in a day.

But the negative effects with video games are the kids can see and learn violent things. When playing online, children can pick up bad language and behaviour from other people.

" I hate minecraft I want to kill it with fire"
Sometimes, kids are spending much time playing video games and may cause impulsive behaviour and attention problems. Although, playing video games can be a learning experience, give the kids a variety of entertaining things to learn from, so the children will not be addicted to just one thing.

If you already know that playing video games can affect your grades and spending more time playing than doing your homework, try to control yourself and don't let distract yourself with video games because video games can only give us time to have fun but don't spend all the time playing video games.